

World Class Business Services For Companies And Individual’s Across UAE

VAT Registration in The UAE Services

The UAE government implemented the Value Added Tax (VAT) Act on January 1, 2018 to a variety of commodities throughout the nation at an average ratio of 5%. Local businesses may avail of VAT registration in the UAE to recuperate some of the cost as a result of this new tax.
We have received a lot of queries with regards to VAT. Provided below are answers to some of the most common questions we have received.

What is VAT?
Value Added Tax refers to the Indirect tax imposed on commodities which can be equated to the type of universal consumption tax enforced on the consumption of goods & services. That is a comprehensive multistage consumption tax taxed the supply chain transversely as well as collected by companies on behalf of the government. In the long run, VAT is experienced besides the customer who is the end user incurs it rather than the firms.

Why VAT in UAE?
The primary purpose of the VAT policy is that it will aid towards the provision of additional revenue for the UAE government. This collected revenue will be used to deliver better amenities and services to the people living in the UAE.
The implemented Act is one of the strategies used by the government. It is hoped that this strategy will help reduce the UAE’s over-reliance on oil & hydrocarbons as the key source of revenue.

What will be the impact of VAT on your business?
The law is bound to alter your organisation’s financial statements as well as the operational prospect of acquiescence to the implemented Act.
Financial prospect: After adjusting the VAT to your financials, you ought to perform some adjustments on your price tags to adapt probable proliferated rates owing to irretrievable VAT in addition to the valuation of the financial statement, estimated to incorporate VAT influence. The cash flow is bound to influence the working capital because of the elongated credit terms, plus Zero rated sales. There are possibilities that in attempts to recover VAT it is likely to an outcome to a cost to the business, in scenarios where not correctly claimed. In Inter-company dealings (VAT Group) scenarios, some possibilities are probable to lead into an irredeemable VAT, where there lack properly applied VAT action.
Operational prospect: you may have to revise some contracts terms with your suppliers, service providers or customers. Revising the reporting capabilities of your current IT systems to capture VAT data is critical. You may need to adjust the levels involving sales, procurement’s and within inter-company dealings.
Compliance aspects: Comprises of those necessary registrations centred on yearly revenue, compulsory filing, structures imposed to reinforce internal controls measure and the VAT audits form FTA. Failing to conform to the tax regulations is likely to result in stiffer consequences.


EquityTrust Project Management Services assists in all types of accounting, bookkeeping, value added tax (VAT) related advise and VAT return filing, issues related to Federal Tax Authority (FTA), Economic Substance Regulation (ESR) related matters, monthly account related reporting to management (MIS), payroll services, excise and custom related claims and high quality outsourced CFO services through our team of experienced chartered accountants. We have attractive customized monthly accounting packages.